Monday, 30 November 2015

All Means All and That's All All Means?

All Israel shall be saved?

When the Prophet said, "I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh", it didn't literally mean every single human-being would be filled with the Spirit - God has given the Holy Ghost " them that obey Him".

And when the Apostle wrote that "the living the Saviour of all men...", it didn't mean everyone is saved - because he added, "...specially of those that believe".

So when the Bible said "all Israel shall be" saved, shall be justified, and shall glory, it likely didn't mean every last Jew would be saved - salvation is experienced by those who believe, even though salvation was procured for and offered to all Israel.

"...blindness in part is happened to Israel...

[In part, because many Jews did believe, and more were still being provoked to faith through the Gentiles]

...until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in...

[then comes the end]

...And so [in this manner] all Israel shall be saved".

[Likely meaning that in this manner the prophecies about Israel's salvation were seeing their fulfilment. An outcome which had been a mystery, but which Paul now wished his readers to not be ignorant of, lest they mistakenly think that Jewish individuals could no longer get saved].

That might help clear-up some ideas of what must happen in modern Israel, and how and when - and might put our focus back on the importance of sharing the GOSPEL.

"...there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" but "the name of JESUS CHRIST..."

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