Saturday, 11 June 2016

About End-Times

My understanding, so far: 1) The message of the early Church pre-AD70, is the same message of the Church today; 2) The Apostles never taught that Christ had to return in their lifetimes - in fact, they conceded the opposite possibility; 3) Nevertheless the Church then was an end-time community with an end-time message - the Church in every subsequent generation still is an end-time community with an end-time message; 4) Even though the Olivet discourse and the book of Daniel both discussed themes which were fulfilled in the first-century AD (themes like the destruction of the Temple and city of Jerusalem, and the scattering of the Jews), they both alike also included statements which allow for an indeterminable period of time to transpire before the culmination of every other theme they also mentioned (other themes such as the second coming, and general resurrection); 5) Exactly how much time is going to span in-between, is not ours to know, and it's not of the essence - because each generation is intrinsically poised on the same point: between human history pre-calvary, and the eternal state; 6) What was to happen in-between is just more of the same: the preaching of the Gospel; persecution; troubles; the building of the Church (Ekklesia - called-out ones); 7) The Apostles' doctrine - the Gospel - was able to be supported by Old Testament Prophecies and their fulfilment in history: i. without relegating the fulfilment of those Prophecies entirely to the future; and ii. without changing or spiritualising the identities in the Prophecies (without changing identities in Prophecy such as Israel, or the Gentiles and simply making it about the Church, without due regard to the historical order by which the Church came about: which was to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile).

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