Saturday, 25 June 2016

Unions of States

Unions of States can increase the power of the whole.

If the power is predominantly evil, then a union can strengthen evil across the whole.

If the power is predominantly righteous, then a union can strengthen righteousness across the whole.

A union of States can strengthen the purposes of the whole - whether the purposes be evil or righteous.

When purposes are evil, God has been known to intervene to break-up a union. The Babel dispersion is an example.

When purposes are righteous, God has been know to put it into the hearts of the public to rally together as one. An example would be when all Israel approached David, desiring to join his kingdom.

So whether or not it's a good idea to form, join or remain in a union of States, can depend on whether the power and purposes are righteous and of God, or evil.

It could be argued that the union of the American colonies creating the United States of America, strengthened the collective power and purpose of the colonies, in a number of righteous and good ways, not that there mightn't also have been some disadvantages.

It could also be argued that the fact the southern States ended-up remaining in the Union, probably had some mutual advantages in later history, even if not in every way initially.

Had Scotland recently seceded from the United Kingdom however, it probably wouldn't have procured many advantages in terms of righteousness, power and purpose; and therefore it could be argued that the decision not to secede preserved more mutual benefits.

But it could be argued that under present circumstances, the United Kingdom's decision to withdraw from the European Union could safeguard the UK from certain evil elements within the EU region, and even help prevent the proliferation of evil across the EU region itself; while remaining in the EU might have threatened the righteous and good element within the UK, rather than strengthen it - and not only in the UK, but across the EU as well. 

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