Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Manifestations of the Spirit


The word of wisdom

The word of knowledge
The gifts of healing
The working of miracles
Discerning of spirits
Divers kinds of tongues
The interpretation of tongues 
(I Cor.12:8-10)


Young people see visions
And prophesy
Old men dream dreams
(Acts 2:17,18)

A sound from heaven like a rushing mighty wind filled the room 
(Acts 2:4)

They were all (120 people) filled with the Holy Ghost and they (including women) spoke (publicly) in tongues (not only two or three people).
(Acts 2:4).

These phenomena are to continue until the Day of the Lord 
(Acts 2:19,20). 

They received power (Acts 1:8). The demonstration of the Spirit and power of God were to be exhibits in their witness about Jesus. 

But preaching the Gospel wasn't the first result of the Apostles being filled with the Spirit - speaking in tongues was. 

The content of the tongues spoken on that occasion was not the preaching of the Gospel directly to unbelievers, but to declare the wonderful works of God (verse 11). 

The multitude were in doubt and questioned what it meant, despite having heard their own tongues (verse 12). 

Peter still had to stand and preach the Gospel (verse 14ff). It was only then that the multitude heard and understood the Gospel (verses 37,38).

They weren't drunk, but some thought they were (filled with new wine) (verse 13). There was something about the way they were seen and heard to be behaving that led some people to that conclusion even though it was wrong. 

The same experience is for every Christian in all places for all time (verses 38,39). 

The Gospel is not in word, but in power (I Cor.4:20).

Mighty signs and wonders by the Spirit of God accompany the preaching of the Gospel (Romans 15:19). 

Preaching was in demonstration of the Spirit and of power (I Cor.2:4). 

Faith should not stand in words nor in wisdom of men, but in the power (demonstrated) of God (verse 5).

Jesus said these signs shall follow them that believe:

They shall cast out devils
Speak with new tongues
Take up serpents or drink poison without harm
Lay hands on the sick and they shall recover
(Mk 16:17,18)

Jesus worked with them, confirming the word with signs following (verse 20).

Disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost (Acts 13:52). 

Laughter isn't a manifestation of the Spirit, it's one possible expression of joy. Filled with joy. 

"When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing" (Ps 126:1, 2). 

Laughter is also one expression of victory.

"He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh" (Ps 2:4). 

Isaac's name meant "laughter". 

There is such a thing as "the joy of the Lord" and we can have it (Ezra 6:22, Nehemiah 8:10; 12:43)

Weeping isn't a manifestation of the Spirit, it can accompany repentance and be mingled with joy (Ezra 3:13).

"They shall come with weeping, and with supplications will I lead them" (Jeremiah 31:9).

"When they heard this, they were pricked in their hearts" (Acts 2:37).

There is such a thing as being anointed with the Spirit to give people the oil of joy (Isaiah 61:3). A person can be anointed to minister the Spirit to people, with the result that they receive and become filled with joy. One way that joy can be expressed, could be laughter. 

It is possible to minister the Spirit to people (Gal.3:5). 

God's glory sometimes comes with weight (II Cor.4:17). The priests were unable to stand, because of the glory of God (II Chron.5:14).

Saul (Paul) fell to the ground (Acts 9:4). 

Paul didn't want us to be ignorant of things pertaining to the Spirit (I Cor.12). 

It was possible to have meetings where all prophesied, so that when an unbeliever walked in, he would fall down (on his face) (I Cor.14:24,25).

Believers could speak in tongues and interpret tongues, in public meetings (chapter 14). 

The Spirit fell on a group while Peter was still preaching (Acts 10:44) and they spoke in tongues. 

Reading the Book of Acts and the Epistles often gives a different picture of church-gatherings than our customary song-service followed by announcements followed by one sermon. 

We can therefore be deliberate about allowing the manifestation of the Spirit - as we are deliberate about singing and preaching. 

If we are not deliberate to allow it, then we are in effect being deliberate about not allowing it. 

For the glory of God, for the confirmation and glorification of His Word, for the edification of the church, and for the salvation of souls.

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