Sunday, 9 April 2017

Open Thy Mouth Wide and I Will Fill It

What satisfies you?

If you're satisfied with a meeting where we sing for 40 minutes, repeatedly inviting the Spirit to come, to Have His way, maybe repeat a song rather than move straight to the announcements, pray for some prayer requests, then preach followed by a prayer line with music dominating so that the congregation doesn't get edified by any manifestations of the Spirit through those who have gone forward - then that's what you'll get.

No matter how many times you sing "Spirit Come" or say "Have your way" - that's what you'll get. He'll come and have His way - to the extent you make room for it in the meeting.

Or if you want to see the Spirit fall upon an entire congregation. Where the sights and sounds of people getting touched by the Spirit dominate. And are allowed to run their course. The waves of the Spirit. The manifestations of the Spirit. Then that's what you get.

That involves something practical. Give Him time to move. It doesn't mean continue to let music dominate necessarily.  

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