Wednesday, 8 August 2018

It's a Bigger/Better Gospel Than That!

The 'end of the world' means more than just the end of the created world; but it also meant more than just the end of the Old Covenant.

'New heavens and earth' means more than just the new, future, eternal state; but it also meant more than just the inauguration of the New Covenant.

What God did in Christ for Israel already, He was really doing for all nations - and for the whole of creation itself. 

So, Christ has already inaugurated both the end of all things, and also the renewing of all things - all things - for all nations, for all people - for the Jew first, and also for the Greeks - and also for the physical creation itself. Already. He has done all, for all. 

But although He has inaugurated it all and for all in some sense already, still not everything has been consummated in every sense yet - but it will be, at His second coming.

That's the bigger story which the good news is all about. It's not just relegated to the future - it's already been inaugurated! Hallelujah! And it's about more than just a change of covenant - it's about the resurrection of the dead and a whole new eternal life free from physical pain and death. 

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