Saturday, 4 August 2018

The 'Coming' ('Parousia') of Christ

The word 'parousia' has been translated 'come', 'go' and 'set'. 

In Old Testament times, ancient Jews may have thought of Messiah's 'parousia' as somewhat of a unit. It was only with New Testament revelation that believers came to clearly know that Messiah's 'parousia' would actually have two phases: His first 'coming' and His second 'coming'.

So, Old Testament Prophetic passages in which Messianic predictions are found, included themes spanning from the Jews' return from Babylonian captivity and rebuilding of the Temple, to the birth and life and ministry of Jesus, His death and resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of power, the destruction of the Temple and scattering of the Jews, the continued preaching of the gospel to all nations, and the second coming and resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment and new heavens and earth. 

All of that can fit into the very broad single category of Messiah's 'parousia' - yet on the basis of Apostolic revelation the them of Messiah's 'parousia' can also be rightly divided into things now already fulfilled in the past while the Old Covenant still stood, and His first 'coming', His future second 'coming', and everything in-between.

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