Thursday, 24 January 2019

First Things First

1. God planned before the foundation of the world that Messiah would be crucified; that He would redeem humanity and creation, in Him; and that they (all the redeemed) would be a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God
2. Then God created the world; and mankind fell
3. Then God informed Abraham of the above plan. Abraham's Seed (Messiah) would bless (save) all nations of the earth.
This promise was stated before Jacob (Israel) was even born; before Moses ever gave the Law. It was always going to be about the Seed (Jesus) and all nations (of believers), as God planned before the world began.
4. Some generations after that, God constituted the nation of Israel (Jacob, and his twelve sons, the Tribes). Their nation were the custodians of the above promise.
In the interim, Moses gave them a temporary Law. Proselytes to Judaism could also have some participation in it, while it applied.
The law was to school them for what was to come. It was a shadow of the reality that was to come.
5. Then in the fulness of time Messiah came - the Son of God - son of David, son of Abraham - One greater than Moses - One before Abraham - the Holy One of Israel - the Servant - God with us - the Saviour - Mighty God - the only Israeli (in fact the only human) who qualifies to fulfil Israel's (mankind's original) vocation. He was crucified as our substitute, was buried and rose again, inaugurating resurrection and redemption - new creation - and took out a people for His Name.
Just as the Prophets foretold; just as the Law foreshadowed; just as Abraham had been promised; just as God had planned before the foundation of the world.
JESUS. Through His cross and resurrection. God has taken sin away. Death was abolished. Resurrection is inaugurated. New creation is inaugurated. God's forever plan has been inaugurated.
The announcement of this accomplishment is called the GOSPEL. Good news.
The first thing - the REAL THING - has come.

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