Monday, 28 January 2019

The Question of the Law

The issue which the Apostles had to deal with, in regard to the question of the Law, doesn't really exist anymore.
The question in their time was, Is Jesus enough - or must Gentiles also become Proselytes to Judaism.
Literally, that meant fully Torah-Observant Proselytes to Judaism, complete with circumcision and pilgrimages to Jerusalem for the Feasts and all that - or just Jesus.
It was an important question, so the Apostles had to deal with it - and deal with it they did.
So the same issue no longer exists for us today. Because it isn't possible anymore to be literally Torah-Observant - not even if we wished to be (ever since the old Levitical Order of priesthood ceased to exist).
But a kind of similar issue has arisen again today - because in the absence of Moses' system, quasi Torah systems were created in its place. Beginning with post-second Temple Rabbinical Judaism - and now all sorts of varieties of Judaisms.
None of those systems are really Moses' practices - yet in some people's minds it's somehow brought up the whole question of Moses' practices again.
But let me give an illustration of what that's like. My old High School buildings don't exist any more. They became old, long ago; and the location became a brand new supermarket.
While I was still a student, I didn't have to ask, "Do I have to go to school this year?" Of course I had to.
Once I graduated, I didn't have to go anymore. But if someone tried to tell me I still had to, it might have made me wonder - because the buildings were all still there, I could have gone back to school if I'd wanted to.
But today, the buildings don't even exist. So even if I wake up in a nightmare feeling like I'm late for school, I can't go - because the school doesn't exist. So I obviously don't have to. It was just a nightmare.
Instead, I now live the real life which my old school days prepared me for and always intended that I should be living at this phase of my life.
Since the Apostles decreed that JESUS was enough - that Gentiles didn't also need to become Proselytes (even when real Torah-Observance was still possible) - it certainly isn't necessary for us today to take-on one of the modern varieties of Judaism (which aren't the same thing as Moses' old practices anyway).
JESUS is still more than enough!
" are complete in him..." (Colossians 2:10).

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