Wednesday, 20 September 2006

All Nations Christian Fellowship

After the service that night, the Greek Evangelical Church was to be voting on a new name for their Sunday evening services. The morning services are performed in Greek, whilst the night services are in English and are aimed to reach people of any nationality.

Alex Glykidis carries an air of authority, as well as being a true inspiration and encouragement to everyone he meets. I am reminded of having said to him many years ago through the Spirit, that God will use him as a Pastor. Today, observing his strong role as one of the church's three elders, we are seeing the fulfilment of that word, which he said had also been spoken through others. Although Alex is not the senior Pastor, in many ways he appears to be the visionary, the bulwark of the church. Arthur and Ruth are the young senior Pastors.

I woke-up that Sunday morning singing the song, "Jesus, What a Wonder You Are", and felt instructed of the Lord that I should begin my contribution to the meeting at night by singing that song and then take it from there.

I followed the song by declaring Jesus to be the only bridge to eternal life; telling the stories of my salvation on Sunday night the 16th December 1979; of the salvation of the Debabawon Tribe in Agusan del Sur, Philippines; and of our early days at Bremer State High School after we received power, including the vision I'd had of the Lord.

The children were gathered in a back room during the meeting. So when I finished speaking, I offered to share a word with the children also. Pastor Arthur seemed to like the idea, so I did so after communion, at the conclusion of the meeting, whilst the voting was taking place.

With the children we talked about the glories of heaven; that Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us; of the one way to be guaranteed our place in heaven; I shared examples of answered prayer, such as finding my lost colouring-pens as a child; receiving a silver watch; and the miraculous catch of fish; and I described in detail about the time I saw the Lord, when He answered my prayer to change my High School Principal's mind. It was a delightful time with the children. (I heard one of Alex's daughters comment afterwards that she had never before seen the children so attentive!)

Meanwhile, the likeable new name All Nations Christian Fellowship was adopted for the night meetings, after which we all enjoyed a fellowship supper together.

During supper, a gentleman who had been visiting from Melbourne told me that Jesus What a Wonder You Are happens to also be his favourite song.

This particular church happens to be the only evangelical Greek church in Brisbane - making their presence and work all the more important!

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