Tuesday, 19 September 2006

Good Timing

When I was in Ipswich, I got in my car to visit someone whom I had in mind. But once I started driving, I felt the Holy Spirit divert me to instead visit John Coyle at Bundamba.

When I knocked on their door, John told me it was amazing I'd caught them, because they'd only just walked in the door a minute earlier themselves.

Not only that, but whilst I was there, it seemed everyone I wanted to see turned-up, including Cheryl, Cathleen, Elphie, his fiance, and even Paul and Gina and their two sons arrived.

John recounted the story of how we had led him to Christ years ago. The first time he read the Gospel of John, he thought, "Why isn't this being shouted from the rooftops? This is amazing stuff!"

Elphie also introduced me to his fiance as "the man who led me to the Lord".

John told me that a lump has returned on his neck, so I prayed with him after a certain manner. I asked him what it is we can agree together to ask in prayer. Then we believed together.

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