Wednesday, 13 September 2006

Tivoli Miracle Centre

Whilst I was in Ipswich, I desired to catch-up with Pastor Fred Muiys of the Rivers of Life Christian Church (for whom I'd preached some ten years ago). In my spirit I saw a vision of he and I standing on a property looking at development and construction, and in my spirit I sensed this would take place at 11:30 on Tuesday.

I tried phoning on Monday, but his office was closed. So on Tuesday morning I phoned, and Fred said that he intended being on-site at 11:30, exactly like I'd sensed, so I arranged to meet.

When I first met Fred he was pastoring at Karana Downs, and still working full-time in the secular arena. He had plans to purchase two-and-a-half acres of land on which to build a sanctuary seating some 150 people. That was considered a fairly sizeable faith-step for a congregation their size.

But one day a visiting prophet said to Fred through the Spirit:

"You have a building plan, but your plans are too small - God's plans are ten times bigger. And God wants you on the other side of the river."

Some time afterwards Fred was invited by his denomination to combine his church with the Karalee church, and to assume the leadership over both.

As he drove over the Brisbane River from Karana Downs into Karalee, he remembered the prophecy that God wants you on the other side of the river - so he accepted the proposal.

Today I stood with Pastor Fred on the twenty-two acre former Tivoli Drive-In, which his congregation has recently purchased. They have obtained Council approval to build a 1500-seater auditorium, along with many other buildings and features including 200 landscaped carparks. Everything is exactly ten times bigger than his original plan, just as God said.

He feels commissioned to emphasize the healing ministry, therefore he is calling his church the Tivoli Miracle Centre. Since the church is to become a place for miracles, Pastor Fred said its very foundation needs to be miraculous. Consequently, they have achieved all of the development and construction so far without even seeing a bank.

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