"Go ye into all the world..." Jesus said
"...and preach the Gospel to every nation"
The Apostles heeded His Word
And went without hesitation
But until the Holy Ghost was given
The upper room remained their station
"Wait for the Promise", Jesus had told them
They were filled with anticipation
In one place for ten days they waited
All in good relation
With the women and Mary and His brothers
They continued in prayer for the duration
Matthias along with the eleven
As an Apostle received his registration
For one-hundred-and-twenty people
It was a time of preparation
Then when the Day of Pentecost was fully come
The room was shaken with vibration
They all began to speak with other tongues
As the Spirit gave them dictation
When this was noised abroad
The city was filled with consternation
"How do we hear every man speaking our language?
Is this mere intoxication?"
"These are not drunk as ye suppose"
Peter stood and gave his quotation
"This is that which was spoken by Joel"
The empowerment for the ministration
"What must we do?"
The people asked with desperation
"Repent and be baptized, and you'll receive the Spirit too
For the Promise is for you and your children to every generation"
In that way, in one day
Three-thousand became the Church's population!
And today in contemporary society
We are still in the same situation
It's not by might, nor by power
Nor by human orchestration
But it's by the Spirit
When He comes with impartation...
...that we shall enjoy
the greater celebration
It's by letting go
of our reputation...
...allowing rather
the Spirit's manifestation...
...that we shall attract the harvest
without limitation
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