There are certain universal laws which govern the world.
For example, the law of gravity. Ignore it and you get hurt; work with it - and everything falls into place.
Same with all the laws of physics.
Same with morals - there are universal principles of morality which teach us how life and relationships and society in general work best.
And it's the same with economics. And productivity.
And politics. There are certain universal laws which make politics work or fail, depending on our compliance or non-compliance with those universal laws.
It's not by chance that one political and economic system works, while another fails. It's not by chance that one political system tends toward freedom, harmony, general well-being, and prosperity - while another system slowly squeezes the vitality out of an economy.
Success or failure depends upon an understanding of those universal laws and how a legislature co-operates with them.
The written laws of a successful nation will be the consequence and the expression of these universal principles, not the supposed source of them.
So if your field is politics, discover the universal principles of political science - then apply them, and comply with them - and be successful.
Or, if you want your relationships to be great, discover the universal principles that make for good relationships.
All of life is governed by universal laws that are just as real and can be just as life-enhancing or life-endangering as the law of gravity.
In any field of life - whether it be economics, politics, physics, or relationships - discover the universal laws that govern the field, then work with those principles - and be blessed.
Or, ignore those principles and substitute them instead with your own philosophy - and bear the consequences. But remember - if you hurt anyone else in the process, God won't hold you unaccountable.
Comply with God's Law, and life works.
(God revealed His Law in His Word. He also wrote it intrinsically and innately on the hearts of every man. Even nature itself expresses His laws, day after day and night after night.
But all of us have transgressed God's Law, and sinned and fallen short. The wages of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Receive Jesus and He will make you a new heart - in righteousness and true holiness. He will empower you by His Spirit to walk after the royal commandment of love, thus fulfilling all the principles of God's Law.
As more and more people receive Jesus then begin to express these principles in their individual lives, in their families, at church, in the work-place, and in government - society will begin to work better.
We won't see perfection though, until Jesus comes again and removes all evildoers and puts down all opposing authority and rule. He will also abolish death. And we so look forward to that day.
But the reason He delays His coming is because He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.)
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