Jesus said that the Father will judge no-one in the day of judgment, but has committed all judgment to the Son. Then Jesus said that He Himself will judge no-one in that day either - but the Word that He spoke will judge a man in that day.
Seeing we will be judged by the Word spoken by Jesus, we ought to make it our life-work to know what Jesus said, and to receive His Words, and believe them, and let them live in us, and keep them and do them and speak them.
If there's anything in life therefore that we ought to want to master, it's the Words of Jesus.
"Never a man spake like this man," said some of Him.
"And they wondered at the gracious words that poured out of his lips."
"To whom shall we go. You alone have the words of eternal life," said the disciples.
"The Words that I speak unto you are spirit and they are life," said Jesus.
"You are clean through the words which I have spoken unto you," said Jesus to His disciples.
"The Law came by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ," wrote John.
"He spoke with authority, and not as the scribes."
"I don't speak my own words, but as the Father has given me a commandment, so I speak".
Unlike the Law which was weak because of the sinfulness of sin, Jesus' Words come with their own gracious saving power, where the mere hearing of - without works, but by grace through faith - produce eternal life.
With credentials and promises such as those, who would not want to hear His words!
The Gospels record some 55 or 57 parables spoken by the Lord. Learning the lesson of each of them, in context, might be a good place to start.
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