Quote About "Fulfilment Theology"
By D.M.
I think that "replacement theology" is a misnomer and an unfortunate term ... the "Church" has not replaced the nation of Israel as the heir of the promises. Instead, I like the term "fulfilment theology". All the promises are fulfilled, and will be fulfilled, in Christ and the new covenant. It is that the promises of the OT were always for the TRUE children of Abraham, "those who through faith and patience inherit the promises". Being a true Jew is a matter of the heart, "a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter."
Not all physical children of Abraham were his spiritual seed - Isaac and Ismael case in point - and only the spiritual seed are the "children of promise" and will inherit all the promises. "For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel".
So, ethnic Jews and Gentiles who are the spiritual children of Abraham form one organic body in Christ, are fellow citizens of the household of faith (Heb 3) and are the "Israel of God" Gal 6:16. Gentiles who believe "are no longer strangers and aliens" but "are fellow citizens" (Eph 2). So that, in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek.
Paul asks the question" "I ask, then, has God rejected his people [ethnic Jews]? By no means!" Why? Paul, himself, was a Jew (Rom 11:1). The early church in Acts was made up entirely of ethnic Jews, and so Paul says, "So too at the present time there is a [Jewish] remnant, chosen by grace" (Rom 11:5) - TRUE Jews by faith.
All of God's people, individuals (not nations), called out of every nation, tongue and tribe, will inherit all the promises in the new heavens and earth by virtue of being in Christ by faith, and hence, being the children of Abraham. Thus "all the promises are Yea and Amen in Christ".
Such is "fulfilment" (as opposed to "replacement") "theology" in bare outline.
Consistent with the Great Commission, we surely need to be praying for revival among all ethnic groups, Jews, Arabs, Chinese. And, I look for a time when ethnic Jews repent in great numbers and join the company of the elect and redeemed.
Not all physical children of Abraham were his spiritual seed - Isaac and Ismael case in point - and only the spiritual seed are the "children of promise" and will inherit all the promises. "For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel".
So, ethnic Jews and Gentiles who are the spiritual children of Abraham form one organic body in Christ, are fellow citizens of the household of faith (Heb 3) and are the "Israel of God" Gal 6:16. Gentiles who believe "are no longer strangers and aliens" but "are fellow citizens" (Eph 2). So that, in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek.
Paul asks the question" "I ask, then, has God rejected his people [ethnic Jews]? By no means!" Why? Paul, himself, was a Jew (Rom 11:1). The early church in Acts was made up entirely of ethnic Jews, and so Paul says, "So too at the present time there is a [Jewish] remnant, chosen by grace" (Rom 11:5) - TRUE Jews by faith.
All of God's people, individuals (not nations), called out of every nation, tongue and tribe, will inherit all the promises in the new heavens and earth by virtue of being in Christ by faith, and hence, being the children of Abraham. Thus "all the promises are Yea and Amen in Christ".
Such is "fulfilment" (as opposed to "replacement") "theology" in bare outline.
Consistent with the Great Commission, we surely need to be praying for revival among all ethnic groups, Jews, Arabs, Chinese. And, I look for a time when ethnic Jews repent in great numbers and join the company of the elect and redeemed.
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