Thursday, 20 July 2017

The Gospel Fulfilled, not Replaced, Israel's Promises

The Gospel actually was a very Jewish thing.
I don't mean that the Gospel was something which required everyone to adopt the ancient Jewish cultural labels, such as the ancient Jewish feasts, food laws, circumcision, sabbaths, sacrifices and all that - the Gospel didn't say that at all: it said the opposite.
What I mean is that the Gospel was proclaimed not as something other than the fulfilment of Israel's promises, but as precisely that.
That's what John the Baptist said; and it's what Jesus said - so it's how the Apostles understood it too. God had fulfilled His promises for Israel: they were eyewitnesses.
The first people who believed it - that is, the 'church' - were all Jews.
Then, after Jews had been enjoying it first, they (Jewish believers) then spread the blessing to Gentiles, and it went to all nations.
So, the Church, which was Jewish, came to include former Gentiles, who then became part of the body of Messiah, Who of course was Jewish - but without the Gentiles needing to become proselytes to Judaism.
And there you have the good news!
"...the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to ALL PEOPLE. For unto you is born this day in the CITY OF DAVID a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:10,11).

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