Friday, 21 July 2017

We in Messiah Embody the Abrahamic Hope

God was in Christ, come to do what He'd promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - set them free. And He does it by the cross.

"That we might become the righteousness of God in Christ," means that the Church embodies God's performed-faithfulness to His promise to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob.

Christ is "made unto us wisdom..." That means Christ through the Gospel has revealed the mystery that was kept hidden. He's unlocked the true meaning of Old Testament prophecy. And He did it by Himself - because He didn't just bring wisdom, He is wisdom. God's wisdom. The manifold wisdom of God - because God revealed His plan in stages. From Abraham, through Israel and the Law, to the Church, God's story was going somewhere. The Gospel is the fellowship of the mystery.

And in being made unto us wisdom, Christ was also made unto us "righteousness" (because that righteousness which was imputed to Abraham by faith before he was circumcised, has been imputed to us who walk in the footsteps of the faith of our father Abraham, by which we have been made his children, fulfilling God's promise [covenant] to him); and "sanctification and redemption".

"Because of Jesus the Messiah, the worldview has shifted dramatically. From one point of view, the story has been fulfilled - from another point of view, the symbols have been relativised. It is the same story - the story of how the one God is fulfilling His promises to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and doing so for the benefit of the whole world - that's where the story was going. But precisely because it is now for the benefit of the whole world, it cannot be defined in terms of the ethnic symbols of second-Temple Judaism" - Tom Wright.

"The Torah is both fulfilled, and in its very fulfilment, set aside" - Tom Wright.

Those who confess with their mouth, Jesus is Lord - and who believe in their heart that God has raised Jesus from the dead (similarly to how the Law was meant to be very nigh Israel, in their heart and in their mouth) - discover that their very existence as a body of people, fulfils the Torah in the very way which God intended the Torah would ultimately be fulfilled. And all of the things in the Torah which God intended should continue to be lived-out, are lived-out by them, through the power of the guiding Spirit of Messiah within them.

"...just to be itself in Christ, is the standing power" (- Tom Wright) of the Church to the powers that be.

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