Friday, 5 August 2022

Happy Ascension Day

by John Edwards

26 May, 2022 

Today is celebrated as Ascension day, by many.
It seems a long time ago already since Easter Sunday this year, doesn't it. 40 days ago - nearly a month-and-a-half. So much has happened in the News in that time.
That's how many days Jesus was seen alive, after His resurrection, before He was taken up and a cloud received Him out of their sight: 40 days. That's quite a while!
After He rose from the dead Jesus met Mary Magdalene first, and the other Mary. When they saw Him they held Him by the feet, and worshipped Him. Then they went straight to tell the disciples that He was risen.
They found the disciples still mourning: the disciples could hardly believe their report. But Peter and John ran to the grave (John outran Peter): they saw the empty grave.
Jesus asked the women to tell His disciples to go to Galillee, and to tell them that He would go ahead of them and meet-up with them there.
So the disciples went to Galillee (some 126km away), to a mountain Jesus had nominated, and when they saw Him they worshipped Him.
He met two of the disciples while they were out walking. He met Peter. And He met-up with all eleven while they were having dinner, and He even ate in front of them.
Thomas wasn't there the first time He came, so about a week later He met-up with them again so Thomas could see Him too. He showed them his hands and feet - flesh and bones - it was really Him!
Then He was seen by over 500 brethren at once; then by James, and all the apostles.
The third time He caught up with them was at the beach while they were fishing, and they ate fish together.
On these occasions Jesus opened their understanding of the Old Testament Scriptures; He encouraged them; spoke to them about the kingdom of God; and commissioned them to go into all the world and announce the great news.
He told them to wait in Jerusalem until He'd send the Holy Spirit on them not many days later. His disciples wondered whether that would be the moment when He would complete the rollout of the kingdom of God (for Israelis like themselves, yes - but equally for all non-Jews too who would come to believe on Him through their message, as He'd said before His crucifixion - a truth the Holy Spirit was soon to guide them into). But Jesus answered them that only the Father knows when that Day will be - meanwhile they would be empowered by the Holy Spirit to exhibit evidence all over the world that He was alive.
Then He led them as far as Bethany, and while they were together, He was taken up, right in front of them, until the clouds received Him out of their sight. Two angels told them that Jesus shall return in the same way that He went up.
His ascension to heaven meant that this Jesus, who had been crucified, and who'd risen from the dead, was now seated at the right hand of the very Majesty on high. It made it abundantly clear, as if it wasn't already, that Jesus was both Lord and Messiah, fulfilling the promise of Israel, being exalted not only to the throne of David, but before the Ancient of Days. Only, His reign, for now, was to be from heaven.
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; He was buried; and He rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures. If we believe on Him, and are baptised in His Name, then His death was our death and His resurrection was our resurrection.
But as wonderful as it is that we are crucified with Him and risen with Him, His ascension means that we are also SEATED together with Him in heavenly places, far above principality and power, and we are coheirs with Him.
It means not only that our sins have been forgiven, and that just as He overcame death, so death has been destroyed for us and we shall rise again when He comes - it means we shall also be glorified with Him.
It means that just as the Father conferred a kingdom on Him, so it is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom.
After His glorification Christ poured out the Holy Spirit, the promise of the Father, so even non-Jews could inherit the blessing of Abraham, as foretold from the start. In Jesus, potentially all people are blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, together with Him.
When He appears, then you shall appear with Him in glory also!
He promised to send His Spirit to all who believe, to make all this real in our experience, right now like a foretaste of what we'll see and have forever when He comes.
His ascension means all that for us, today - and every day.
Happy Ascension Day!

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