Saturday, 20 August 2022

The Anointing Spreads

by John Edwards

When I was in Hong Kong, I was asked to minister in a church.
I wanted to give time for the Holy Spirit to move.
So, after the usual time of singing, I kept my word brief - and then we gave the rest of the time to the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit held the room - and what a blessing it was to all of us!
After the meeting a couple of youth approached me all excited - they asked me to come to their midweek small-group meetings or weekend youth-meeting.
But I answered that if they wanted to see the same things happen in their meetings, they actually didn’t need me to come.
They looked like they were wondering how, but looked eager.
So I explained that if they simply hand the meeting to the Holy Spirit as we had just done, He would move in their meetings just the same way as they had seen Him do that morning.
They were soaking-up what I was saying - you could see it on their faces.
I suggested they start by just giving a brief word, in their meetings - perhaps some Scriptural explanation about what they were going to do, or some testimonies of what they'd seen - and then simply give the room to the Holy Spirit - and He would come.
They went their way looking like they were feeling equipped.
The following Sunday one of the young men was back in church again, and he was beaming.
"We did what you said - and the Holy Spirit moved!"
His whole demeanour seemed to have a new poise of purpose, authority and rest - like he knew exactly what to do in his future meetings.
That was better than me going, wasn't it - because it showed them that it wasn't because of some guest-speaker - God was with them too - it's just a matter of giving the time to the Holy Spirit.
That way, the move of the Spirit was more likely to continue and to find a regular place in the way they would run their future youth meetings - because they saw firsthand that God works with them too - they experienced how they themselves could host Him, how to facilitate it - and it wasn't dependent upon a guest-speaker at all.
Anyone can give room for the Holy Spirit - including you, and me.
It's just a matter of being deliberate and practical about giving Him the meeting - then not persisting with other activities which would override or dominate - simply give the time to the Holy Spirit on purpose - and then He will move.
The Lord promised it:
"...lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world" (Matthew 28:20).
"And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen" (Mark 16:20).

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