Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Statement of Faith

1. There is one God

2. The trinity

3. One of God's earliest plans was to save all those who believe in Jesus

4. Then God created everything

5. All have sinned

6. God inspired holy men of God to write certain authoritative Scriptures

7. From early times God has said that He shall ultimately come again to live with the righteous and judge the wicked

8. God promised to send a Savior - and the sole basis for salvation would be faith - and He shared this promise with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

9. To this day, ethnic Israelites are beloved for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob's sakes

10. But being ethnically Jewish could never be the basis for salvation

11. Moses' Law was a temporary scheme to make all men realize their need of a Savior

12. The underlying spiritual principles expressed in Moses' Law remain consequential

13. But externally observing Moses' Law has now been abolished as a scheme for obtaining salvation

14. The true means for obtaining salvation was witnessed in the Law and the Prophets - Jesus Christ

15. In the fullness of time the Lord Jesus Christ came in the flesh, was born of a virgin, died for the ungodly, was buried and rose again on the third day, was seen of many, and ascended bodily to heaven, thus fulfilling the Law and the Prophets

16. Many Jews did not believe in Jesus, and as a consequence of their unbelief, they have entered a state of delusion and deception, along with the Gentiles who know not God, as foretold by the Prophets

17. Jews and Gentiles alike are therefore concluded to be equally in need of mercy

18. But all who believe in Jesus - regardless of ethnicity, and without being required to keep the external observance of Moses' Law - are being saved, for God loves the whole world

19. Thus in Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile, as also the Law and Prophets foretold

20. All who believe, by believing, share in God's predestined scheme of salvation

21. Christ is building His Church

22. Immersion in water in the Name of the Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit can follow the experience of salvation

23. Communion is symbolic of the Lord's body and blood

24. There are distinct experiences, subsequent to salvation, that may be had with the Holy Spirit

25. You can be sure a believer has been baptised with the Holy Spirit when you hear him speaking with a tongue by the Holy Spirit

26. The only scheme by which the Gentiles (the fullness of the Gentiles) and Jews (all true Israel) shall be saved, is by grace through faith alone

27. The entire Gospel era - beginning with John's Baptism and continuing until the Second Coming of Christ - is called intrinsically the last days

28. In this era ethnic Israel is experiencing tribulation; the nations are experiencing distress; and believers are experiencing persecution

29. Meanwhile the Gospel shall continue to be preached among all nations

30. And then - nobody knows the hour, day, season nor times (years) - Christ shall come

31. In the days of the last trumpet, that blessed hope, Christ shall come, dead believers shall be resurrected bodily, living believers shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, and all believers shall forever be with the Lord

32. The wicked shall be resurrected bodily, the earth shall be destroyed, the wicked shall be judged eternally

33. There shall be new heavens and a new earth wherein God shall dwell with the righteous forever!

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