Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Ezekiel's Temple

Ezekiel's vision included things which were distinctly Old Covenant - like Levites, and blood sacrifices. Therefore the fulfilment of the vision also was likely in Old Covenant times. If so then the dimensions described would be understood not literally but as symbolism.

It was after all written not in prose (unlike Moses' instructions for the tabernacle) but using the Apocalyptic genre (like parts of Daniel, Zechariah).

The return of Jews from Babylon to their land, and the rebuilding of their Temple, would require a miracle second only to their Exodus from Egypt - so the Jews needed all the encouragement they could get. Hence the magnificent imagery contained in the Apocalyptic literature of that era.

If instead it is literal and still future, then Messiah has not come - because Messiah was to come in the historical context of such prophecies having been fulfilled; and

Judaism is still a requirement - or will be in the future;

In which case our Christian faith is in vain.

But if Old Testament prophecy is understood to have been fulfilled in Israel during Old Covenant times, then Jesus came in the exact historical circumstances required by Messianic prophecy, and believers are complete in Him. 

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