Thursday, 22 October 2015

Note to A-/ and Post-Millennialists

Prophecies concerning Israel (their regathering, rebuilt Temple, re-instituted Levitical priesthood and sacrifices, the coming of the Messiah, their redemption, the Kingdom, and the resurrection and new heavens and a new earth).

Sure it's a mistake to futurize all of it, as many Dispensationalists do. That's a mistake because it implies a return to Judaism in future - which would be impossible, unnecessary and wrong.

But it's also a mistake to spiritualise all of it and not see that some of it was already fulfilled literally in and for Israel. That's a mistake which some Covenant Theologians - a/- and post-millennialists alike - make.

According to Prophecy, Messiah was to visit the Temple in Jerusalem; He was to purify the sons of Levi so they could again offer a pure offering as they had done in times past; then He was to inaugurate the fuller, true redemption through a New Covenant.

None of that could be possible if Israel had not already been regathered to their land, the Temple built, and Levites offering sacrifices again, literally - as prophesied.

If we mistakenly spiritualise those physical details in the prophecies concerning Israel, we lose the case for the historical Jesus being the Messiah, just like Dispensationalists do by relegating their fulfilment entirely to the future - because Messiah was to come in that setting.

But if we see that there already has been the historical fulfilment of God's promises for Israel literally in Israel, then we have both Scripture and history as proof that Jesus was both Lord and Messiah.

And that was the Apostles' assertion! The Apostles' doctrine.

The Apostles preached, taught and explained that God had fulfilled his promises to Israel - first the natural promises, then the spiritual. They were eye-witnesses. Afterwards Gentile believers also were included. And there is both inaugurated (the cross) and consummation (second coming, resurrection, final judgment) phases to this salvation. All in fulfilment of promise and prophecy.

For Israel it was FIRST that which was natural, then AFTERWARD that which was spiritual - the natural didn't follow the spiritual, but neither did the spiritual happen INSTEAD of the spiritual.

There was a fulfilment of physical things in Israel, then Messiah came in that setting, for Israel FIRST - and then Gentiles also got saved.

JESUS is everything - then, now, and always in future. Jesus plus nothing.

That's what our Lord and the Apostles called the Gospel! 

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