The Old Covenant ended at the cross, not in AD70.
The Kingdom was offered from the cross onwards, not from AD70 onwards.
The Law was only temporary, and only for Jews. After AD70 it became forever impossible to keep.
The offer of the Kingdom to Israel, and the preaching of the Gospel to Jews and Gentiles, are the same.
The Kingdom is already - and not yet. We await His second coming and Kingdom, yet we experience it already, and express it, and influence the world with it.
Wickedness will be allowed to remain alongside the children of the Kingdom, until the end. The wicked are not in the Kingdom, yet there is another sense in which everything is in God's 'kingdom'. The wicked will be rooted out of His 'Kingdom' when the King comes. Then only the righteous shall enter and see His Kingdom.
Some Old Testament prophetic verses about the Kingdom didn't describe a distinction between Christ's first and second coming, while others did.
When He comes, Jesus shall reign over Israel - believing Israelites, and believing Gentiles, without distinction.
In that Day He will reign over unbelievers and the wicked, as Judge - and over the righteous as Saviour.
The Kingdom was offered from the cross onwards, not from AD70 onwards.
The Law was only temporary, and only for Jews. After AD70 it became forever impossible to keep.
The offer of the Kingdom to Israel, and the preaching of the Gospel to Jews and Gentiles, are the same.
The Kingdom is already - and not yet. We await His second coming and Kingdom, yet we experience it already, and express it, and influence the world with it.
Wickedness will be allowed to remain alongside the children of the Kingdom, until the end. The wicked are not in the Kingdom, yet there is another sense in which everything is in God's 'kingdom'. The wicked will be rooted out of His 'Kingdom' when the King comes. Then only the righteous shall enter and see His Kingdom.
Some Old Testament prophetic verses about the Kingdom didn't describe a distinction between Christ's first and second coming, while others did.
When He comes, Jesus shall reign over Israel - believing Israelites, and believing Gentiles, without distinction.
In that Day He will reign over unbelievers and the wicked, as Judge - and over the righteous as Saviour.
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