Monday 11 January 2016

Book of Acts

Places Paul preached: in synagogues (usually); in a school; in a market; in a place where prayer was wont to be made; on a hill; in an assembly; from house to house; in court.

He and the other apostles expected to gain the audience of whole cities. All who believed were baptised - but not all who were baptised had the right heart.

The Holy Spirit came upon them that believed.

Paul laid hands on the sick and healed them - without saying he prayed for them. There could be a key there. Whether or not you pray, there's something which needs to be done - believing (and saying).

Acts 15:21 meant Jews everywhere who wanted to keep the Law had ample opportunity to go (to synagogues) and hear the Law, and therefore the churches needn't teach the Law - seeing the Gentiles were not expected to keep the Law. 

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