Friday, 17 January 2014

Growing in Our Understanding of Bible Prophecy

I'm sure that Jesus Christ fulfilled certain Old Testament prophecies.

I'm also becoming persuaded that large portions of Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled in Israel before Christ came (such as the regathering of the Jews into their land, the rebuilding of the Temple and Walls, and nations going up to Jerusalem to keep the feasts).

It seems to me that these things had to happen first, and then Christ should come. They did, and He did.

I'm also becoming persuaded that significant sections of Old Testament prophecy were fulfilled shortly after Christ, particularly Daniel's prophecies, to which our Lord referred in His Olivet discourse, regarding the invasion of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple.

But the things I am persuaded have already been fulfilled don't necessarily preclude the possibility that there may also be some things in Bible Prophecy which are yet to be fulfilled in future.

(Obviously the second coming and resurrection have not happened yet. But I'm mainly referring to potential future outcomes in the current State of Israel and the nations.)

With regard to these, I can be sure about the things I'm sure about, and still leave room for there to be more that I'm yet to consider.

What I know should assist me to learn things I don't yet know - not block my willingness to understand such things.

You can be right about having found the red and blue in a painting first, and then find the yellow later if it's there.

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