Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Islam and the New Testament

Muslims believe the Koran is GOD's word, because in the original language it has never changed. God preserves his word, they say with pride.

But Muslims also believe the Injeel - the Gospel - the New Testament - as GOD's word.

But they say the existing New Testament is not the Injeel. It's only an altered version - altered by Christians to suit Christianity.

Where is the original New Testament - the Injeel - then? According to them it no longer exists unfortunately.

What! I thought God preserves his word!

If Muslims wish to assert that the existing New Testament has changed so much as to be unrecognisable as the original, the onus is on them to present documentary proof of the changes, when they were made and who made them. But of course they can't.

The literary proof is on the side of Christianity. The New Testament as it exists today is the same that existed in Mohammed's day (7th century) and long before; and preserves the beliefs of the 1st century Church. At the very least it reflects essentially the same beliefs as those of the 1st century Church.

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