Monday, 20 January 2014

What Difference Does Our View of Prophecy Make?

Of course some parts of Bible Prophecy are yet to be fulfilled, while others have already been fulfilled - and some statements in Bible Prophecy have a timelessness about them.

But we don't all have the same understanding regarding which parts are fulfilled.

Some imagine certain parts of Bible Prophecy are only now being fulfilled in Israel. While others understand that some of those same parts of Bible Prophecy have already been fulfilled.

Both people wish the best for Israel. One group is wishing for Israel to experience certain blessings for the first time. The other group is wishing for Israel to perceive the blessings that were already theirs.

So what difference does it make, whether or not we understand that certain parts of prophecy have already been fulfilled? To me, the effect is that it clarifies the Gospel. We both love Israel - but this enables me to love Israel with clarity.

It eliminates the confusion about whether or not Israel should be observing Moses' traditions.

It eliminates the confusion about whether or not the nations should begin observing Moses' traditions in future.

It removes any mis-notion that God will have a different basis for saving Jewish people other than through faith in Jesus.

It saves us from some unfounded ideas regarding what must happen in the end times.

It brings us back to one clear thing: Jesus is the answer.

And that doesn't diminish our hopes for Israel's future. It increases it, and also explains method and timing.


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