Wednesday, 22 January 2014

The New Thought Control

There's an article in Sky and Telescope entitled "Become a Citizen Scientist".

What! Are scientists non-citizens? Elite. Like the new priest-class. Whose assertions can only be believed but not questioned by the less-educated citizen class. And if you question it you're a heretic.

In other fields of science, like electricity or aeronautics, the work of scientists was readily subject-able to practical critique by the non-scientific public. But evolutionary theory, cosmology and the 'science' of global warming can't readily be tested by the non-studied public. The scientist-class's findings are to be taken as unquestionable truth - kind of like how in the Dark Ages the priests' law was to be taken as truth by the non-Latin-speaking public who weren't encouraged to possess a Bible of their own. 

Don't buy into it. Question it! These fields of 'science' have been researched by relatively few, with the few borrowing heavily from each other's findings - and unlike other fields of science, their theories have so far produced nothing tangible which the non-scientific public can practically test. Only those admitted to their class are privileged to know. Our part is just to believe.

Don't let them tell you how you must think!

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