Sunday, 31 August 2014

All Israel Shall be Justified

The same passage of Bible-prophecy which stated that all Israel would be justfied in the Lord, also stated that every knee would bow and every tongue would confess - in the whole wide world (Isaiah 45:14-25)!

The inference was that both were to happen together. A Jew can't be justified for the first time only after the day of Judgment; neither can it benefit the soul of a Gentile to confess God only after his death. That wouldn't be the type of glorying in God of which the passage of prophecy speaks. The promise speaks of this life - not only of the next. The blessing was promised to all - but not evey individual necessarily would receive it. 

So the passage of Bible-prophecy doesn't necessarily necessitate a nationwide salvation of Jews in the future, any more than it necessitates a universal salvation of every Gentile individual. The believers received the promises - which is an outcome also foretold elsewhere in the Prophets.

And the program goes on. All who believe - who confess the Lord - are justified in Him, and shall glory - whether Jew or Gentile.

But how shall they believe if they don't hear? And how shall they hear if someone doesn't preach.

You and I are sent.

Sent with that powerful, saving Gospel which was spoken by John the Baptist, the Lord and by the Apostles, confirmed by the Holy Spirit, witnessed by the books of the Law and the Prophets, promised to the Patriarchs and planned before the foundation of the world. The everlasting Gospel.

The Gospel is the greatest, the final and the only plan which God has to save the lost - be they Jews or Gentiles. 

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