Tuesday, 16 September 2014

The History of the State of Israel Explained

Daniel prophesied about a then-future period for Israel totalling seventy “weeks” – or seventy sevens, that is 490 years, or ten Jubilee-cycles – beginning from the date when the rebuilding of the Temple and City was decreed. Within that time-frame God’s promises for Israel were to be fulfilled. But Daniel also saw that afterwards great trouble would again come to his people, the Jews, and to the Temple and city.

Isaiah’s prophecies also included those dual themes. He foresaw both “the acceptable year of the Lord”, the “day of salvation” – and also “the day of vengeance of our God”.

Jesus quoted the first theme of Isaiah’s prophecy, and said, “This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your ears.” He began to preach, saying, “The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Repent, and believe the Gospel.”

But what of the latter theme of the prophecies? Jesus also referred to the latter theme of the prophecies, when He later told His Apostles that all that remained to be fulfilled of the prophecies – such as “the days of vengeance”; “the time of Jacob’s trouble”; and “great tribulation” – would all also soon be fulfilled in Jerusalem – within the Apostles’ very own generation, so “that all things that were written might be fulfilled”. Jesus wept at the thought of it. And it all came to pass in Jerusalem, exactly within the time-frame specified by Jesus.

As for how much time would transpire after that until the second coming of Christ and the resurrection of the dead – Daniel didn’t know, neither did the angel, and neither did the Son of Man know. Only the Father knows – and it wasn’t for the disciples to know either, Jesus said. They were told only that they would receive power after the Holy Spirit came upon them, and that what would follow would be the preaching of the Gospel to all nations.

So the Patriarchal-Promises and the Prophecies of the Bible have pretty-much been all been fulfilled – in full. We’re not still waiting for it.

Every blessing we experience now can therefore be experienced precisely because the Patriarchal Promises and Prophecy has been fulfilled. It’s simply a matter of hearing, believing, claiming, saying and receiving it – which we can and must do now, because "behold, now is the day of salvation".

It also means Israel needn't still be waiting for Prophecy to be fulfilled either. Jews could experience the blessings at any time, through faith  because the Promises, having once already been fulfilled on Israel’s behalf, were never repealed.

(The history of the State of Israel is therefore to be understood and explained in those terms. It's not that Bible-Prophecy is only now in our generation beginning to be fulfilled in Israel. Rather, it’s just that to one degree or to another, Israel has always either enjoyed, or fallen short of continuing to enjoy, her already-fulfilled promises. The determining factor for Jews, as well as for all of us, was faith).

In accordance with fulfilled Bible-Promises and Prophecy, the blessing of salvation is obtainable freely by all, simply by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ. The old rituals of Moses’ Law, which once were to be observed on strict dates by the Jews under the Old Covenant, have been made to cease forever as an obligation – for them, for us, for anyone, anywhere, for all time. We are justified freely through the grace that is in Jesus Christ.

That’s the Apostles’ doctrine – the Good News – which is also witnessed in the Scriptures of the Law and the Prophets.

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