I think some people don't feel as urgent as they could about preaching a plain Gospel to Jews and in Israel, because their eschatology has lulled them into a mix of complacency, thinking that it's okay - God is going to save all Israel anyway, by Himself.
One day, they think, God is going to suddenly become more determined to save the Jews. God has got some special method at His disposal - like a card which, when the time is right, they think He's finally going to pull out and instantly win all Israel.
But God couldn't be more interested in saving Jews at any time in the future nor through any other means, than He already is through the Gospel.
The Prophet foresaw that Now is the day of salvation; now is the acceptable year of the Lord. Jesus quoted that, to Israel, then said, This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your ears. God is already fully engaged in the business of saving Jews. He couldn't become more engaged in it than He already is.
There isn't any concept in the New Testament of there ever coming a more acceptable time to save anyone than now, today. Why would God be less interested in saving Jews now? There is no benefit to the Gentiles in Israel not yet being saved, let alone no benefit to Jews.
Such eschatology has the effect of making many Christians lovers of modern Judaism, to the extent that some have even entertained the wrong idea that there may be salvation for Jews in modern Judaism apart from Jesus Christ, or even that there shall be salvation for Israel after the Jews have seen the visible return of the Lord in the clouds.
But if salvation will be possible for Jews after the visible coming of the Lord, then it means Israel has a means of salvation at its disposal other than faith - because faith that is seen is no more faith. Yet the Bible says salvation is through faith alone.
Consequently an increasing number of Christians are becoming interested in observing modern Jewish religious ceremonies. A misapplication to the future of already-fulfilled Bible-prophecies is also being used as a basis for the wrong belief that all nations shall be obligated to travel annually to Jerusalem to observe the Feast of Tabernacles during a future millennium - even to again offer animal sacrifices, as a memorial, they say - or else be cursed.
But the Apostles taught that the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus inaugurated a New Covenant which forever nullified the Old Covenant and its obligation of daily sacrifices. Why would God be interested in anyone anywhere ever reverting to the shadow now that the substance has already come?
As for memorial sacrifices, what further need would we have of a memorial once the Lord has come and we are forever with Him? We shall see Him as He is! Now is the time when we can benefit from a memorial. And the memorial which our Lord ordained for this time is none other than the Lord's Table. This do ye in remembrance of me - and not annually on a set date like the ancient Jewish Passover, but as oft as ye drink it, Jesus said.
It has the subtle effect of making one feel that the Gospel might not be the final program that God has for the salvation of Israel - but just a temporary program, predominantly for Gentiles. Contrary to such an idea, the Apostles instead showed the manner in which Old Testament Bible-prophecies had indeed already been fulfilled on Israel's behalf without failure nor postponement, through the Gospel.
The Gospel was to be for the Jew first, and then for the Greek, and thereafter simultaneously for all until Jesus comes - not for the Greek first and then for Israel after the Church has left or after the Lord has already been seen coming in the clouds.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest, the final and the only plan God has for the salvation of Jews as well as the Gentiles. It is the Gospel which is to be preached to every creature - and then the end shall come.
All who believe shall be saved - regardless of ethnicity, and without the works of the Law - while all who believe not, shall be damned.
This is the exact and only scenario that was foreseen in the Law and the Prophets, and proclaimed by John the Baptist, the Lord and the Apostles.
So, in the words of John Wesley, we have nothing to do but to save souls; therefore spend and be spent in this work.
ACTS 4:12
12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
JOHN 3:3
3 Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
MARK 1:14,15
15 ...Jesus...preached...saying....repent ye, and believe the Gospel.
One day, they think, God is going to suddenly become more determined to save the Jews. God has got some special method at His disposal - like a card which, when the time is right, they think He's finally going to pull out and instantly win all Israel.
But God couldn't be more interested in saving Jews at any time in the future nor through any other means, than He already is through the Gospel.
The Prophet foresaw that Now is the day of salvation; now is the acceptable year of the Lord. Jesus quoted that, to Israel, then said, This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your ears. God is already fully engaged in the business of saving Jews. He couldn't become more engaged in it than He already is.
There isn't any concept in the New Testament of there ever coming a more acceptable time to save anyone than now, today. Why would God be less interested in saving Jews now? There is no benefit to the Gentiles in Israel not yet being saved, let alone no benefit to Jews.
Such eschatology has the effect of making many Christians lovers of modern Judaism, to the extent that some have even entertained the wrong idea that there may be salvation for Jews in modern Judaism apart from Jesus Christ, or even that there shall be salvation for Israel after the Jews have seen the visible return of the Lord in the clouds.
But if salvation will be possible for Jews after the visible coming of the Lord, then it means Israel has a means of salvation at its disposal other than faith - because faith that is seen is no more faith. Yet the Bible says salvation is through faith alone.
Consequently an increasing number of Christians are becoming interested in observing modern Jewish religious ceremonies. A misapplication to the future of already-fulfilled Bible-prophecies is also being used as a basis for the wrong belief that all nations shall be obligated to travel annually to Jerusalem to observe the Feast of Tabernacles during a future millennium - even to again offer animal sacrifices, as a memorial, they say - or else be cursed.
But the Apostles taught that the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus inaugurated a New Covenant which forever nullified the Old Covenant and its obligation of daily sacrifices. Why would God be interested in anyone anywhere ever reverting to the shadow now that the substance has already come?
As for memorial sacrifices, what further need would we have of a memorial once the Lord has come and we are forever with Him? We shall see Him as He is! Now is the time when we can benefit from a memorial. And the memorial which our Lord ordained for this time is none other than the Lord's Table. This do ye in remembrance of me - and not annually on a set date like the ancient Jewish Passover, but as oft as ye drink it, Jesus said.
It has the subtle effect of making one feel that the Gospel might not be the final program that God has for the salvation of Israel - but just a temporary program, predominantly for Gentiles. Contrary to such an idea, the Apostles instead showed the manner in which Old Testament Bible-prophecies had indeed already been fulfilled on Israel's behalf without failure nor postponement, through the Gospel.
The Gospel was to be for the Jew first, and then for the Greek, and thereafter simultaneously for all until Jesus comes - not for the Greek first and then for Israel after the Church has left or after the Lord has already been seen coming in the clouds.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest, the final and the only plan God has for the salvation of Jews as well as the Gentiles. It is the Gospel which is to be preached to every creature - and then the end shall come.
All who believe shall be saved - regardless of ethnicity, and without the works of the Law - while all who believe not, shall be damned.
This is the exact and only scenario that was foreseen in the Law and the Prophets, and proclaimed by John the Baptist, the Lord and the Apostles.
So, in the words of John Wesley, we have nothing to do but to save souls; therefore spend and be spent in this work.
ACTS 4:12
12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
JOHN 3:3
3 Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
MARK 1:14,15
15 ...Jesus...preached...saying....repent ye, and believe the Gospel.
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