Friday, 12 September 2014

Grace v Law Is Not a 21st Century Issue

In the early Church prior to AD70, the issue of whether or not Christians should keep Moses' Law, was an important question - and they answered it.

But AD70 eliminated the very question itself.

So the same question doesn't exist for us. The same issue doesn't exist for us.

In the first century, Christians could have attempted to keep the Law, if they'd wanted to. But since AD70 no-one could even try - not even the most Orthodox Jews. Because the Temple no longer exists.

It's like comparing the question, "Should you go to Bremer High School (cnr Grange and Blackstone Roads) today?" It makes all the difference when you asked me.

If you asked me back in 1984, while I was still a student there, then the answer would have been yes.

But if you asked me in 1985, after I'd graduated and had become an adult, then the appropriate answer would have been no.

But to ask that question now - in 2014 - long after even the very buildings themselves have been demolished - well, even the very question itself has no validity.

There is no such thing as keeping Moses' Law today. No such thing as keeping the Feasts. There can't ever be again.

Modern Judaism is not Moses' Law. It's so different.

Mixing elements of modern Judaism with the Gospel isn't the salvation which the Law and the Prophets foresaw.

Jesus Christ - and Him alone - without the requirement of any additional mixture - by the Gospel alone - is the fulfilment of the Promises.

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