Thursday, 4 September 2014

The New Birth is the Only Way Into God's Kingdom-Program for Israel and For All

JOHN 3:3
3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.  

He can't even see it.

That rules-out two popular modern doctrines:

One, it rules out the doctrine that all Israel will be saved after they see the Lord coming in the clouds.

If Jews can be saved after they see the coming of the Lord, then it means they can be saved through a means other than faith - because faith that is seen is no more faith. But the Bible says salvation is through faith alone.

Two, it rules out some popular ideas about the millennium. 

There are said to be unsaved people - sinners, even cursed nations - in the millennium, and yet the millennial reign is also said to be the Kingdom. But the New Testament says only the righteous - only the born-again - and no unrighteous, shall enter the Kingdom of God.

God's Kingdom-program for Israel hinged upon the necessity of being born again - and Jesus expected Nicodemus, as a teacher in Israel, to know this. The new birth was basic to the fulfilment of Bible-prophecy.

The new birth wasn't some accidental interim program predominantly for Gentiles while God's Kingdom-program for Jews was put on hold. Being born again is the way to see the kingdom of God.

You won't see the Kingdom merely by waiting around for a future millennium to begin. Neither shall Jews see it through any other means at any future time, such as through modern Judaism or after they see the Lord coming in the clouds. Avoid such distractions. Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.