Tuesday, 18 November 2014

All First Class Citizens

I heard today from a mother that her young daughter was in tears, running out the door, late for school, because she couldn't understand why God chose the Jews and loved them more than us; why He did such massive miracles for them and why He doesn't do the same level of miracles these days; and why He wrote so many books about them. 

She'd finished reading the Book of Genesis. Her thought was that it was too much about the Jews.

I remember momentarily having those same thoughts too when I was younger and a young Christian.

It's a joy to me to understand now from the Scriptures what I already knew instinctively in my spirit by the Holy Spirit when I was young: that God's original promise, given to Abraham, mentioned in Genesis, was to BLESS (justify, save) ALL nations - through Abraham's seed (not seeds plural, but seed singular, which is CHRIST).

There are no second-class citizens in Christ!

The original promise to Abraham was about Christ, about the Gospel, about salvation, for all nations!

God announced the GOSPEL ahead of time to Abraham!

Jesus said, "Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it, and was glad".

Israel wasn't even born yet. The Law wasn't even given yet.

In fact, the Promise required that the Law which was introduced later, would be removed when the Promise would be fulfilled - because the Law excluded the Gentiles but the Promise is for all nations without distinction.

So the Promise implies the removal of the Law which separated Gentiles from Jews.

The nation of Israel was only constituted after the promise was spoken.

The nation had the unique role of being the custodians of the Promise until the time of its fulfilment came.

As you said, it meant they got to be the first to hear the Gospel, and the first to share it.

But not all of them received it. It so happened that Gentiles who received the Promise began provoking Jews to envy to desire to receive it!

Through Jesus Christ the Promised Seed, all are blessed in one new body, without any distinction in privileges.

He who is least in the Kingdom is greater than the greatest Old Covenant Jewish prophet, Jesus said.

Our privileges are better than the privileges promised under the Law to the ancient nation of Israel.

We have received the free gift of righteousness without the works of the Law.

We are sons, not slaves.

Experiencing the Kingdom.

Assured of heaven.

Made one in spirit with the Lord.

Receiving the Spirit.

Signs follow. Healings. Speaking in tongues.

The young daughter's comment encouraged my faith, raised my expectation to see the Lord supply all my needs and to confirm the Word with signs following.

If the ministration of death was glorious, the ministry of grace has far greater glory. The glory that excels and will excel in eternity.

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