Sunday, 9 November 2014

Inheritance Through Jesus Not Through Judaism

I've been supporting my assertion (that believers don't need to observe Judaism) simply by drawing on plain statements in the Old Testament, rather than draw on allegory. But allegory certainly also is a valid way to illustrate truths which are taught in the New Testament.

The example you gave supports my assertion (that believers don't need to observe Judaism) brilliantly:

The son born of self-effort, born of the slave-woman, ended-up in the wilderness and did not ultimately receive the promised family-inheritance; while it was the son born as a gift from God, born of the free-woman, who received the promised family-inheritance. 

It illustrates how earthly Jerusalem and many of its citizens were still in bondage to the works of the Law and therefore could not receive the promised-salvation; while those who simply believed the Gospel and who had been born from above - the heavenly Jerusalem - were receiving salvation freely by grace, without bondage to the works of the Law.

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