Post-Millennialists believe the Bible teaches that the future must bring the salvation of national Israel before the second coming; Pre-Millennialists believe the millennial reign will bring the salvation of national Israel - but the Apostles explained that JESUS brought salvation to Israel, and only those who BELIEVE experience it.
The problem with relegating the fulfilment of Bible-Prophecies concerning Israel to the future, is it implies we must in future revert back under Moses' Law - because the prophecies described Israel carrying-out Levitical worship.
Relegating the prophecies' fulfiment to the future would also give us a hard time proving Jesus was the Messiah - because the prophecies described Messiah coming at a time when Israel would still be carrying-out Moses' Law.
The truth is that God fulfilled His promises to Israel by giving them the land of Canaan (through Joshua); by restoring them back to their land, restoring their Temple, and reinstating Levitical worship after their period of captivity in the nations (Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, Zechariah); and in that historical context, by sending the Messiah, who procured eternal salvation and entrance into the Kingdom of heaven for them (New Testament). Only believers experienced it, and Gentiles were included - a scenario which was also part of the Prophecies.
Therefore apart from the current proclamation of the Gospel, the main things that remain to be fulfilled of Old Testament Prophecy are: the second coming, the resurrection of the dead, the eternal judgment, the end of the world, and the Kingdom which only the BORN-AGAIN shall see, in new heavens and a new earth
Now is the acceptable time, behold Today is the day of salvation.
Neither is there salvation through any means except the Name of JESUS.
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