The Ten Commandments were only part of Moses' Law.
If a Jew broke one point in Moses' Law, he was guilty of the whole Law.
Jesus didn't tell the Jews, while they were under the Law, that only the Ten Commandments needed to be kept, but the whole Law.
"One of these least commandments," He said.
"Not one jot nor tittle," as if to remove any doubt.
That was for Israel, while they were still under the Law.
Jesus Himself, made under the Law, did live what He preached.
But He did more than keep and teach the Law: He also inaugurated a New Covenant.
A new covenant means the old is annulled, because you can't have two covenants covering the same thing at the same time.
By the cross, He introduced an alternative program - a program which annulled the requirements of the Law.
For example, the Law required worship exclusively in Jerusalem - Jesus' death and resurrection introduced true spiritual worship which is not required to be in Jerusalem.
The Law was only for Israel - Jesus eventually sent the Apostles on a mission to all nations.
The Passover was annual, and required going to Jerusalem - Jesus introduced the New Covenant in His blood, which believers remember as oft as they drink it and wherever they drink it.
Jesus transitioned the Old Covenant into the New Covenant without breaking the Law in the process.
Once He accomplished the transition, and rose from the dead, and His apostles understood His mission more completely, He then commissioned them to go and teach all nations everything they'd learned from Him.
If the Apostles understood Jesus' commission to mean they should teach Moses' Law, they would have surely done so. But instead the Apostles and elders made a decision NOT to require the Gentiles to keep the Law.
The law had been annulled, and was vanishing away for Israel too. Within their generation the Temple and city and Levitical genealogies were destroyed, making it forever impossible even for Israel to keep the Law.
It isn't possible to keep all of Moses' Law any more, therefore it is evident that the Law, which had already been annulled, had now also vanished.
We're under grace exclusively. But grace also teaches us to fulfil God's law - not literally Moses' Law - but God's law - which was also already written on the Gentiles' hearts though they didn't have Moses' Law. It's God's moral law. The ethical Law which Moses' Law modelled. God's nature of love. God's grace empowers us to confirm to that law just as effectively and more than Moses' Law could.
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