Here's an interpretive key which makes things very simple:
Any prophecy about Israel's restoration which mentioned Levitical worship, must have been fulfilled while the Old Covenant still stood - because God isn't into returning to a shadow.
The problem with allocating the promises about Israel's restoration to the future, is it necessitates a return to Judaism, because a restoration to keeping the Law was part of the restoration-prophecies - and returning to the Law is not a New Covenant truth.
Bible-Prophecy itself gave a timeframe for the promised-restoration: it was to happen after 70 years in captivity/exile. So that's not future is it.
The name of a key-player in the restoration - king Cyrus - was even predicted by prophecy. Cyrus is now past history - therefore so is the restoration which he was to decree.
From the moment he would issue the decree to restore and rebuild, until Messiah, would be seventy-sevens. The Apostles quoted Messianic prophecies and applied them to Christ's first coming. Therefore since we know the Messiah has come, then the decreed restoration of Israel which was to precede Messiah's coming by seventy-sevens also must already have come - or else neither has the Messiah.
The prophecies mention tents as dwellings; and cavalry and archery as weapons. That dates the fulfilment of the prophecies to ancient times, not modern times.
Some of Israel's enemy-nations were mentioned by name in the prophecies. They were ancient nations, not modern ones.
There certainly is still coming a future manifestation of the Kingdom when Jesus comes and the dead are raised - but it will be heavenly in character - and only the born-again shall see it, without distinction between Jew and Gentile.
In the meantime, since God has already fulfilled prophecy regarding Israel, and never repealed it, only the sky is the limit for Jews. The Gospel didn't reduce God's goodwill towards Jews - it increased it. Jews therefore still have the opportunity to be saved. God is willing for everyone to have a homeland within secure boundaries.
Any prophecy about Israel's restoration which mentioned Levitical worship, must have been fulfilled while the Old Covenant still stood - because God isn't into returning to a shadow.
The problem with allocating the promises about Israel's restoration to the future, is it necessitates a return to Judaism, because a restoration to keeping the Law was part of the restoration-prophecies - and returning to the Law is not a New Covenant truth.
Bible-Prophecy itself gave a timeframe for the promised-restoration: it was to happen after 70 years in captivity/exile. So that's not future is it.
The name of a key-player in the restoration - king Cyrus - was even predicted by prophecy. Cyrus is now past history - therefore so is the restoration which he was to decree.
From the moment he would issue the decree to restore and rebuild, until Messiah, would be seventy-sevens. The Apostles quoted Messianic prophecies and applied them to Christ's first coming. Therefore since we know the Messiah has come, then the decreed restoration of Israel which was to precede Messiah's coming by seventy-sevens also must already have come - or else neither has the Messiah.
The prophecies mention tents as dwellings; and cavalry and archery as weapons. That dates the fulfilment of the prophecies to ancient times, not modern times.
Some of Israel's enemy-nations were mentioned by name in the prophecies. They were ancient nations, not modern ones.
Such nations would be judged as uncircumcised pork-eaters. Those things wouldn't be a cause for judgement now that a New Covenant has been made.
The restoration was to be the event which would reunite Judah and Israel again into a single nation. The desctinction between Judah and Israel had relevance in ancient times, but not now.
The restoration was to eliminate idols from Israel. That was relevant too then, but isn't now.
The restoration of Israel was to begin with the return to their land, proceed to restored Levitical worship, then culminate in the coming of Messiah. That was the order.
The restoration was to be the event which would reunite Judah and Israel again into a single nation. The desctinction between Judah and Israel had relevance in ancient times, but not now.
The restoration was to eliminate idols from Israel. That was relevant too then, but isn't now.
The restoration of Israel was to begin with the return to their land, proceed to restored Levitical worship, then culminate in the coming of Messiah. That was the order.
Jesus indeed brought the Kingdom to Israel. But as the Prophets also foresaw, not all Israel would believe and receive Messiah's promised salvation. They also predicted that Gentiles would be included. We are now on this side of Bible-Prophecy - we're not still on the other side.
There certainly is still coming a future manifestation of the Kingdom when Jesus comes and the dead are raised - but it will be heavenly in character - and only the born-again shall see it, without distinction between Jew and Gentile.
In the meantime, since God has already fulfilled prophecy regarding Israel, and never repealed it, only the sky is the limit for Jews. The Gospel didn't reduce God's goodwill towards Jews - it increased it. Jews therefore still have the opportunity to be saved. God is willing for everyone to have a homeland within secure boundaries.
We know what God is willing to do in the present, based on what He's promised and already fulfilled in the past, and not revoked. But that's not the same as saying Bible-Prophecy is only now finding its direct fulfilment. That can't be, because the Prophecies describe Israel keeping the Law - but God has already made a New Covenant with Israel.
The only way for anyone - including Jews - to participate in Messiah's promised salvation and Kingdom, which was promised by the forefathers, is by His love, through believing in Jesus.
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