Thursday 20 September 2012

God's Sovereignty in Salvation

God can do anything He wants. He can make choices which have no basis in our choices. He has done so. Where were any of us when He made the worlds? And that is precisely the truth Paul was appealing to in Romans 9. Paul was saying that God made the choice on His own that salvation would be by grace through faith - it wasn't our will or running that decided that scheme.

If it was left up to man to decide the scheme upon which salvation would be granted, many would have decided that Jewish ethnicity should be the basis upon which salvation should be granted; others were asserting that Law-keeping should be the basis - but God, without requiring anyone's permission, will, or running - decided upon His own scheme: salvation would be granted by grace through faith alone.

That's all Paul was defending in Romans 9. The scheme (salvation through faith) was God's and God's alone. And despite the ramifications of this scheme for unbelieving Jews, God was just and His promises had not failed.

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