Tuesday 23 September 2014

God Hasn't Rejected the Jews

God hasn't rejected His people the Jews whom He foreknew.  Any Jew can still be saved if he believes. Paul gave himself as proof of that! But that doesn't mean Old Covenant obligations carry-through into the New.

It's like God once gave Israel an egg - and in due time it became a chick.

Once an egg becomes a chicken, the egg doesn't exist as an egg anymore. You can look for it, but all you'll find is egg-shells.

You can try to put the shells together again, but it won't make an egg.

The only right way to think about the egg is that it has now become a chicken.

Same with Israel. He once gave them the Law with its festivals, shadows, promises, prophecies. In due time He sent His Son. The Old Covenant became New. Don't look for the Old anymore. Don't reassemble the pieces. It's all new in His Son. Everything. All new.

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