Saturday 10 May 2014

God Knows

One time I went to a takeaway with a large group of friends. We'd just come from a night-meeting where I'd ministered, and were on our way home. 

I'd been given an honorarium at the meeting, so I decided to let all my friends order whatever they wanted and then I'd pay for it. 

I was thinking of ordering a milkshake for myself, but felt led not to, but to order a bottle of soft drink instead. 

When the bill was talleyed up, the total came to the exact amount of the honorarium I'd been given. Had I ordered a milkshake for myself instead of the bottle of softdrink, I wouldn't have had enough to pay cash for the bill.

The inner witness of the Spirit is something you feel in your spirit, distinct from what you think in your head or feel with your emotions - and it can help you with the most practical of things. 

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