Saturday 11 January 2014

Don't Confuse Israel's Past for Your Future

Modern-day Jews are beloved for the fathers' sakes.

But the Old Testament prophecies about Mosaic worship happening on a grand scale in Jerusalem, and about people of all nations being expected to go to Jerusalem to keep the feasts around the altar in the Temple - are NOT part of God's future program for modern-day Israel. 

Those parts of the prophecies were fulfilled - and then into that historical context Messiah came, exactly as prophesied.

God has only one spiritual program for Jewish individuals today, and it's exactly the same as His spiritual program for Gentile individuals: the Gospel. Nothing less. Nothing else. Ever. For anyone.

That doesn't mean God's plans for the Jews now are less than His plans were under the Old Covenant. The Gospel is a greater plan! But the consequences of not believing are also severer.

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